포항공과대학교 기계공학과


[기계공학세미나_4/7]Prof. John A. Rogers(Northwestern University )/Soft, Skin-Interfaced Electronic and Microfluidic Devices for Human Health

작성자 김태영 날짜 2023-04-04 10:08:09 조회수 221


4월 7일  개최되는 기계공학과 정기세미나 안내 드립니다.

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▣ 제목 : Soft, Skin-Interfaced Electronic and Microfluidic Devices for Human Health

▣ 연사 : Prof. John A. Rogers (Northwestern University and Querrey/Simpson Institute for Bioelectronics McCormick School of Engineering, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and Feinberg School of Medicine)

▣ 일시 : 4월 7일 (금) 오전 11시

▣ 강연언어 : 영어

▣ ZOOM :

회의 ID: 466 477 5061

암호: mech


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