- E-mail.sjlee@postech.ac.kr
- Website.http://bbrc.postech.ac.kr/
- Degree.Ph.D. KAIST, (1986)
- Lab.Future Fluid and Biomimetics Laboratory
Our lab is experimentally analyzes all the problems of fluid mechanics, especially biofluid and microfluidic phenomena using advanced flow visualization techniques, and is studying effective flow control techniques. This laboratory was designated by the National Research Foundation of Korea in 2000 as a national laboratory (three-dimensional turbulent heat flow analysis) and a leap laboratory in 2006 (advanced flow visualization technology). It has been identified and is developing related biomimetic technologies. Meanwhile, advanced PIV (particle image velocimetry) velocity field measurement technologies such as 2-frame PTV, stereoscopic PIV/PTV, Holographic PTV, X-ray PIV, and Ultrasound PIV have been independently developed and registered as domestic and international patents. Most of them are among the best in the world. These advanced flow visualization techniques were applied to turbulent shear flow such as jet flow, body wake flow, boundary layer flow, etc. to experimentally analyze the flow characteristics and turbulence structure, and were also used to develop various flow control techniques.
- Diagnosis of biofluid flow phenomena and development of new creative biomimetic technologies
- Development of creative nature-inspired seawater desalination and lithium recovery technologies
- Effective drag reduction and PM removal using micro/nano-fluidics and biomimetic techniques
- Development of new advanced flow visualization and AI-based bio-imaging techniques
- Diagnosis of biofluid flow phenomena and development of creative biomimetic technologies
- Development of biomimetic drag reduction methods and seawater desalination technologies
- Microfluidics and nanofluidics for flow control, energy & environment applications
- Development of advanced flow visualization and bio-imaging techniques